Le Club suisse de la presse – Geneva Press Club a pour mission d’accueillir et d’aider les journalistes de passage à Genève et de favoriser les échanges entre les milieux suisses et internationaux de l’économie, de la politique, de la culture et des sciences d’une part, et de la presse suisse et étrangère installée en suisse romande et en France voisine d’autre part.

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The Impact Investing SDGs Roadmap 2021

Le 7 octobre, 2020

The Impact Investing SDGs Roadmap 2021

AlphaMundi, in collaboration with the UNDP, Swiss Sustainable Finance and Sustainable Finance Geneva, hereby invites you to a press conference on impact investing and the 2030 Agenda in Switzerland. The conference is a prelude to the Swiss Impact Roadmap 2021 sessions taking place on the same day at Hôtel d’Angleterre, gathering senior representatives of the UN, the Swiss government, asset managers and industry associations of the private sector, to discuss key market-building initiatives for the SDGs and Gender financing in Switzerland in 2021. The sessions will end with a keynote appeal for sustainable finance by French explorer Mathieu Tordeur. The sessions are closed to the public, but the last one will be streamed live on the internet.

About AlphaMundi Group Ltd
AlphaMundi Group was created in 2008 as a Swiss advisory firm dedicated to impact investing. Its mission is to provide market-based solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges, currently best defined by the Sustainable Development Goals. Since 2009, AlphaMundi has profitably invested USD 65M in 45 impact ventures in Latin America and Africa, primarily through the firm’s SocialAlpha impact fund and related co-investments, across 120 private debt and equity transactions, with an impact on more than 5 million beneficiaries, the vast majority in rural areas and some 40% of women.

Please refer to: www.alphamundigroup.com

Sanitary measures – covid-19
– Hydroalcoholic gel and masks will be available at the entrance. Wearing a mask is mandatory when the distance of 1.50m between participants cannot be respected.
– Mandatory registration for the event: please register below

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John Tidmarsh

Executive Director, Sustainable Finance Geneva

Sarah Bel

UNDP, Manager of SDG Finance Geneva Summit

Roland Dominicé

Board member, Swiss Sustainable Finance

Tim Radjy

Founder and Managing Partner, AlphaMundi

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