Le Club suisse de la presse – Geneva Press Club a pour mission d’accueillir et d’aider les journalistes de passage à Genève et de favoriser les échanges entre les milieux suisses et internationaux de l’économie, de la politique, de la culture et des sciences d’une part, et de la presse suisse et étrangère installée en suisse romande et en France voisine d’autre part.

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Press releases

To disseminate information to the press, the Geneva Press Club can send out a press release.

This press release is disseminated as follows:

  • By e-mail to Swiss and foreign journalists and Club members (about 2,000 persons)

Price*: 500.–

*The Geneva Press Club has the right to accept or reject the press release.

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To disseminate a press release

    Les derniers communiqués

    Plea to Free Press: Representatives of the UN, human rights organizations, and religious leaders express concern over mass violations of the rights of the believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

    On December 19, 2023, non-governmental organizations with consultative status at the UN ECOSOC, such as Public Advocacy, EIRL (European Institute for Religion and Law) VSI Zmogaus Teisiu Apsauga, European Institute for Religion and Law, as well as religious leaders, including:  Metropolitan Theodosius Snigiriev, human rights defender, ruling bishop of the Cherkasy and Kaniv diocese (Ukrainian […]

    Best wishes for 2024

    Best wishes for 2024

    The entire Geneva Press Club team thanks you for your trust and is pleased to extend its best wishes for the festive season. We look forward to seeing you on January 8, 2024 at our usual times. We remain at your disposal. For any questions or information, please contact us by email: info@pressclub.ch Yours sincerely, […]

    The challenges of leading and foreseeing to the human rights situation in the UAE

    At an international symposium at the Swiss Press Club – International Rights Alliance to Discuss from Geneva Geneva, May 4th 2023 An international alliance of Arab and European human rights organizations representing “53 international organizations for the promotion of human rights in the world” had organized an international symposium at the Swiss Press Club. It was […]

    Stories that matter: applications for the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize until 28 April

    Stories that matter: applications for the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize until 28 April

    The Lorenzo Natali Media Prize, the EU’s flagship journalism award, opened on March 9. Journalists can apply by submitting eligible stories until midnight of 28 April. The Prize recognises and honours the work of journalists from around the world which shed a light on the most pressing global challenges. The European Commission calls on journalists reporting […]

    Le Club suisse de la presse est distingué par le Groupe des ambassadeurs francophones

    Le Club suisse de la presse est distingué par le Groupe des ambassadeurs francophones

    Genève, le 20 mars 2023 A l’occasion de la journée mondiale de la francophonie, le Club suisse de la presse s’est vu décerner le Prix 2022 du Groupe des ambassadeurs francophones (GAF) de Genève, une émanation de l’Organisation internationale de la francophonie (OIF). Cette distinction, remise lundi 20 mars 2023 lors d’une cérémonie au Palais […]

    Le prix Jean Dumur 2022 à Maurine Mercier

    Le prix Jean Dumur 2022 à Maurine Mercier

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    James Thierrée ouvre la saison du nouveau Théâtre de Carouge

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    The Mediterranean Sea and International Security: Operation IRINI and Beyond

    The Mediterranean Sea and International Security: Operation IRINI and Beyond

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    The Sultanate of Oman celebrates the 51st Anniversary of its National Day

    The Sultanate of Oman celebrates the 51st Anniversary of its National Day

    Excellencies, Distinguished Geneva Press Club community, Dear Madam, Dear Sir, Today, the 18th of November 2021, the Sultanate of Oman celebrates the 51st  National Day. A year already since we were marking the 50th anniversary of the Omani Renaissance, the golden jubilee of an extended process of development and construction throughout the nation and in various sectors of […]

    La BD dans tous ses états !

    La BD dans tous ses états !

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