Seminar: The Pathway to Paris 2015 – Landmark Study Shows the Economic Benefits of Strong Climate Action

Seminar: The Pathway to Paris 2015 – Landmark Study Shows the Economic Benefits of Strong Climate Action
Language: The language of the meeting will be English.
Join The Gold Standard Foundation and WWF Switzerland for a presentation and discussion around a new report and field case studies showing how climate finance can deliver not just greenhouse gas mitigation but billions of Euros in additional outcomes that contribute to climate adaptation and broader global priorities in sustainable development.
The release of this study comes just weeks after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment Report found that the impact of mitigation policies will be negligible on global growth at around just 0.06 of a percentage point annually throughout the rest of the century. What the IPCC did not include in this economic assessment, however, was a valuation of the multiple positive outcomes beyond carbon that can be delivered by reducing energy consumption, switching to clean energy systems and saving forests.
As a leading global player in the delivery of finance to greenhouse gas mitigation projects, The Gold Standard Foundation commissioned economists to undertake the first ever valuation of the outcomes in addition to carbon mitigation in its projects. These include improved human health, the ‘services’ of natural ecosystems, like water purification, improvements to livelihoods and the food and economic security of communities, regions or countries. This was done by measuring, and assigning a monetary value where possible, to these outcomes.
The implications of the study demonstrate that it is no longer necessary to choose between climate and other environment and development outcomes. Strong climate action is not only affordable but, designed correctly, represents an impact investment far greater than previously understood.
Contact: Please register with Tanya Petersen, The Gold Standard Director of Communications:
Drinks and snacks will be served after the presentations and discussion