Les Féeries de Penthes 2024! This is where the magic happens!
Les Féeries de Penthes 2024! This is where the magic happens!
From Friday, November 15 to Sunday, November 17, 2024, the 2nd edition of Féeries de Penthes will take over the magnificent Domaine de Penthes in Pregny-Chambésy for three days of an event dedicated to the magical, convivial spirit that accompanies the start of the festive season.
Concerts, parades, strolls, entertainment and food and drink stalls will take over the magnificent Domaine de Penthes for the weekend. Visitors young and old will be invited to immerse themselves in an immersive experience through the Sentier Féérique (Fairy Trail), the Passage des Fées (Fairy Passage), the Jardin Merveilleux (Wonder Garden), and finally the L’Igloo des Lutins (Goblins’ Igloo) or the L’Igloo de la Fée de Penthes (Penthes Fairy Igloo).
Some twenty picturesque chalets will showcase the talents of local and regional artisans, offering visitors a unique opportunity to unearth treasures.
Public transport will be reinforced and a shuttle service will be offered.

Felicida Andolfatto, Head of Communications & Events Department
T : 022 758 98 46
M: f.andoltaffo@pregny-chambesy.ch