Discussion with H.E. Mr. Fuad ISGANDAROV
Discussion with H.E. Mr. Fuad ISGANDAROV
H.E. Mr. Fuad ISGANDAROV has been ambassador to the Netherlands and Luxemburg prior to his nommination in Switzerland. He has been in office since 2021 in Switzerland.
On this occasion, Mr. Fuad ISGANDAROV has offered to meet with the press in order to share information on the following topics:
- Bilateral cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Swiss Confederation, especially in the sphere of economy, finance, and energy;
- Ongoing situation in peace processes in the region of Southern Caucasus and the role of Switzerland as a trusted mediator in first ever direct (without other participants) negotiations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia on peace agreement;
- Multinational and regional dimension: Azerbaijan as a core bottleneck in logistic, transport, energy, and other connectivity route between Europe and Asia in a view of politically and economically tectonic changes in the entire Eurasia;
- Any other questions which could be of interest in the field of bilateral and multilateral relations of Azerbaijan with foreign partners.
A coffee and pastries will be served 30 minutes before the begining of the conference at 9:30am
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein