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« Blaming and Shaming the Milk companies »

« Blaming and Shaming  the Milk companies »
Le 16 mai, 2014

« Blaming and Shaming the Milk companies »


Annelies Allain
Director of the International Code Documentation Centre (IBFAN Penang, Malaysia)

Mike Brady
Company Campaigns and Networking Coordinator,Baby Milk Action, UK

The International Baby Food Action Network launches a new report with evidence on how milk companies continue to violate the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.

The press conference is the official launch of Breaking the Rules 2014, a monitoring report which covers 27 companies with 813 violations in 81 countries. It names and shames those companies and blames them for competing with breastfeeding and thus increasing mortality and morbidity among infants and young children.
Annelies Allain will give an overview of the marketing strategies for the past three years.
Mike Brady discuss the new initiatives to put pressure on the biggest manufacturers.

ICDC-IBFAN, Penang, code@ibfan-icdc.org; GIFA-IBFAN, Genève, Tel. +41227989164, Lida Lhotska
UK BMA: Mike Brady mikebradybmac@mac.com +44 7986 736 179

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