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YEMEN: Conditions of female journalists under Houthi repression and the press freedoms situation now and in future

YEMEN: Conditions of female journalists under Houthi repression and the press freedoms situation now and in future

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The Yemeni Dutch Middle East Center for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms and The Human Rights Association are organizing an event about the Freedom of opinion and expression under the Houthi militia.

10th March 2023 at 10 am

The event will discuss the conditions of female journalists under Houthi repression and the press freedoms sitution now and in future. Two Journalists will give their Testimonies of former detainees.

Moderator :

Mr. Nabil Al-Aosaidi, Member of the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate Council

Speakers :

Ms. Halah Alawlaqi , Journalist and human rights activist,

Mr. Ghamdan Alyousefi, Journalist and human rights activist,

Mr.Hamza Al-Jubaihi, Former detained journalist via Zoom

Mr. Issam Balghith, Former detained journalist via Zoom

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