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The Forgotten Narrative of Syrian Women in detention

The Forgotten Narrative of Syrian Women in detention

A special event organized by the Women’s Consultative Committee of the Syrian opposition’s High Negotiating Committee at the sidelines of the Geneva III peace talks


Alise Mofrej, Negotiator of the HNC Delegation in Geneva

Aziza Jaloud, Activist, Director of Tastakel and former detainee

Hind Kabawat, Member of the Syrian opposition HNC

Fadwa Mahmoud, Former detainee

Noura al-Jizawi, Politician and former detainee

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Alise Mofrej

Negotiator of the HNC Delegation in Geneva

Aziza Jaloud, Activist

Director of Tastakel and former detainee

Hind Kabawat

Member of the Syrian opposition HNC

Fadwa Mahmoud

Former detainee

Noura al-Jizawi

Politician and former detainee

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