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Pandemic Control & Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Pandemic Control & Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

In collaboration with the following entities:

Simultaneous translation from French to English.

This event is hybrid, please register below to participte:

At the United Nations, States are debating the prevention and control of pandemics, while the WHO launches the Week on Antibiotic Resistance (AMR), This one-day conference aims to link the two.

AMR is at high levels in the world and is one of the greatest threats to global health, food security and development.

Simply advising the patient or physician as an isolated individual is clearly insufficient. Indeed, it is necessary to understand the spread of pathogens across frontiers via the environment: waterways, wastewater, soil and the air.

More than half of the poor countries do not have treatment facilities for sewage,  garbage, animal or human waste, nor good infection control in care, there is urgency, while multi-resistant tuberculosis is spreading, like the pandemic COVID19, or influenza: airborne.
In addition, armed conflicts, even right here in Europe, are factors of AMR.

The speakers will develop different aspects of this situation: water, environment, agriculture, implementation research, that can improve the protection of people everywhere.

Moderator : Mrs Catherine Fiankan-Bokonga,
UN Senior Correspondant, Vice-President, Geneva Press Club


9:45 Welcome coffee

10:00 – 10:20

The Swiss Commitment against AMR. Dr Diem-Lan Vu, Republic and Canton of Geneva’s Dept. of Health, Sector of Canton’s Med., Dept of Infectious Diseases.

The AMR Think-Do-Tank, Geneva International, Garance Upham, President

10:20 – 10:40

Pr. Stephen Harbarth, HUG, Geneva University Hospitals, Head Physician, IPC Section; Professor, University of Geneva’s Faculty of Medicine:

Antibiotic Resistance: some Fundamentals and Prevention

10:40 – 11:00

Pr. John Poté, UNIGE (Geneva University), Lead, Environmental microbiology, department F.-¬A. Forel :

Wastewaters: Places of AMR Spread, Correlation with a country’s Development and Climate Change: Switzerland, India and Sub-Saharan Africa.

11:00 – 11:20 Debates, Q & A

11:20 – 12:20

Dr Sandrine Baron, ANSES (National Agency on Food, Environment and Labor Safety) Brittany Dept, France:

Monitoring of Vibrio cholerae in Waters: Relevance for Cholera and Antibiotic resistance.

Pr Renaud Piarroux, Paris, France, Hospital Pitié-Salpétrière, Head Infectious Diseases:

Is it Still Possible to Combat Cholera in Haiti?

Dr Bawa Boya, Univ. Abomey, Bénin : Cholera and AMR in West Africa (visio, 10mn)

12:20 – 12:40      Debates, Q & A

14:00 – 14:20

Dr Jean-Yves Madec, ANSES, France, Scientific Director on Antibiotic Resistance, and Head of Resapath (Antibiotic Surveillance Network for the Animal Sector):

State of the Art and Progress in France

14:20 – 14:30

Dr Viviana Muñoz Tellez, South Centre, Coordinator of the Health, Intellectual Property and Biodiversity Programme:

Reducing Antimicrobials in Animal Farming. Policies for the Global South

14:30 – 14:50 Debates, Q & A

14:50 – 15:10

Team Pr. Amy Pruden, Virginia Tech University, USA :

After EDAR6, Surveillance Systems and the Urgency of Access to Wastewater Treatments.

15h10 – 15h25

Dr Annick Lenglet, International Center for Antimicrobial Resistance Solution, ICARS Science Lead:

Mitigating AMR in Low and middle income countries across the One Health spectrum using intervention and implementation research

15:25 – 15:45      Debates, Q & A

15:45 – 16:15

Pr Joseph Allen, Harvard T. Chan School of Public Health, USA, Associate Professor, Member, The Lancet COVID-19 Commission

Airborne Transmission, Creating Safe Schools, Safe Work and Safe Travel

Garance Upham, AMR Think-Do-Tank, President:

Airborne Pandemics from SARS-CoV2 to Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis, airborne prevention is key. Armed Conflicts fuelling AMR in Europe

16:15 – 16:30      Debates, Q & A, coffee & pastry time

Simultaneous translation from French to English.

This event is hybrid, please register below to participte:

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