Nabeel Rajab’s First Press Conference since His Release from Prison in Bahrain
Nabeel Rajab’s First Press Conference since His Release from Prison in Bahrain
Nabeel Rajab
President of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and FIDH Deputy Secretary General
Julie Gromellon
FIDH Representative to the UN
On Saturday 24 May 2014, Nabeel Rajab, was released from jail, after having served his full jail term. He had been sentenced in December 2012 to two years in prison for “calling for illegal gatherings” by the Manama Court of Appeals.
At its 66th session in June 2013, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention characterised his detention as arbitrary.
Many people are still in prison in Bahrain for having exercised their right to freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, or for peaceful assembly. Despite repeated promises, the Bahraini authorities have not implemented the recommendations dating back to November 2011 from the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI) mandated by the King of Bahrain. This event will take place one day ahead of the United Nations Human Rights Council session.
Everyone following the web conference will be able to participate by asking questions through the live chat on :
Contact : Julie Gromellon, FIDH Representative to the UN, Geneva Office, +41 22 700 12 88,