Le Club suisse de la presse – Geneva Press Club a pour mission d’accueillir et d’aider les journalistes de passage à Genève et de favoriser les échanges entre les milieux suisses et internationaux de l’économie, de la politique, de la culture et des sciences d’une part, et de la presse suisse et étrangère installée en suisse romande et en France voisine d’autre part.

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FIATA Press Conference : “Is a Global Recession Inevitable?”

FIATA Press Conference : “Is a Global Recession Inevitable?”

The Geneva Press Club – Club suisse de la presse, in collaboration with FIATA, the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations, is pleased to invite the Swiss and foreign journalists
and its members to a press conference with :

Turgut Erkeskin, FIATA President

Dr Stéphane Graber, FIATA Director General

Dawit Woubishet, FIATA Airfreight Institute Chair

Please register below to participate :

Is a global recession inevitable? What role can the logistics industry play? How can we build resilience in the face of challenges like the Red Sea crisis, conflicts, and fuel costs? How can transportation strategies be adapted to navigate through economic uncertainties?

The logistics industry has been facing significant challenges with geopolitical tensions, increasing fuel prices, impending elections, and new regulatory requirements around the world. Today’s unstable political landscape brings with it trade restrictions, disrupted transportation routes, security concerns, and regulatory uncertainties. The rising price of oil further exacerbates the situation, with projections indicating continued increases until summer, amplifying the strain on transportation costs. In addition, the implementation of new regulations such as Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) regimes, comes with an implementation cost and the introduction of new processes.

These challenges impact trade flows and exacerbate economic uncertainties for countries around the world. The risk of recession looms large, with Germany already experiencing an adverse economic situation and a challenging outlook for the future. This context introduces new risks in the supply chain for all stakeholders, which go beyond those traditionally covered by insurance and risk management processes. However, despite these challenges, the supply chain remains resilient, sustained by a low unemployment rate, international trade opportunities and the value added activities of freight forwarders.

FIATA unites its global freight forwarding membership representing 40,000 key logistics stakeholders from 23-26 April in Geneva, to address the challenges and opportunities in this volatile environment, such as: artificial intelligence, the Digital FIATA Bill of Lading, multiple filing under PLACI regimes, new trade corridors and Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) programmes, defining courses of actions to mitigate the impact of the impending economic downturn, uniting the industry for resilience and ensuring seamless trade flows.

For more information about FIATA, visit the website at https://fiata.org/, and to get an idea of the work FIATA is doing for its global membership and logistics industry at large, click here for the FIATA Review https://fiata.org/news/categories/review/.

The Press Conference will come to an end within 45 minutes and we will provide a working area and light refreshments for your comfortable visit.
 We look forward to a successful working relationship in the very near future and if you require any further information; feel free to contact Pritha Prasad, FIATA Marketing Officer, at any time on marketing@fiata.orgor+41 79 223 84 44particularly if you would like to arrange an interview with any of the speakers.

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