Impacts of trade and investment agreements on health
Impacts of trade and investment agreements on health
In collaboration with The Berne Declaration, Health Action International, Medico International, Medicus Mundi International, People’s Health Movement, Safe Observer International, the South Centre, Third World Health Aid, Third World Network and Wemos
Carlos Correa
South Center
20 years of TRIPS: failed promises
Patrick Durisch
Berne Declaration
Necessity of the LDC pharmaceutical waiver extension
Kajal Bhardwaj
Mega trade and investment agreements and health
Global trade plays an important role in global health governance, with several WTO agreements and regional and bilateral free trade agreements impacting health in different ways accross countries. The WTO TRIPS agreement harmonized laws that protect intellectual property with deep impacts on access to medicines. Twenty years after the start of its implementation, it is time to take stock of the experience of using TRIPS’ ‘health safeguards’.
The event will be concluded by the launch of the alternative world health report, Global Health Watch 4.
The event will be moderated by David Legge, People’s Health Movement.