Global Initiative to end the Cameroons Colonial Conflict
Global Initiative to end the Cameroons Colonial Conflict
On February 7, 2019, a dozen faith and civil society organizations from three continents will deliver a letter in advance of the UN HRC’s 40th Session demanding that member states mandate an independent international fact-finding mission to investigate allegations of serious human rights violations in the conflict in the western region of Cameroon, known as “Southern Cameroons” or “Ambazonia.” This Press briefing will take place on February 7, in conjunction with the letter’s delivery, in Geneva as well as New York City and Johannesburg.
Initiated by Southern Cameroonians living in South Africa, the United States and Europe, the letter has been championed by the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR) and endorsed by a broad-base and multifaith group of well-respected peace and human rights organization, as well as grassroots organizations representing both English-speaking and French-speaking Cameroonians.
Dr. Bernadette Ateghang
Chair, Ambazonia International Policy Commission - Germany
Mr. Julius Nde
Regional Director, Sam Soya Center for Democracy and Human Rights Europe - Germany
Mme Maximilienne C. Ngo Mbe
Directrice, Réseaux des défenseurs des Droits Humains en Afrique Central
Mr. Dabney Yerima
Acting National Secretary General, Southern Cameroons National Council Member, Ambazonia International Policy Commission
Mr. Derek Brett
Main Representative to the United Nations, Geneva, International Fellowship of Reconciliation