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Fukushima Discharge of Contaminated Water

Fukushima Discharge of Contaminated Water

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Ambassador Ronald F. Barnes – Chair Moderator – Indigenous Peoples and Nations Coalition – Alaska Decolonization Movement

H. E. Leon Siu, Minister of Foreign Affairs – Hawaiian Kingdom – will present views on perspectives of Kanaka Maoli, Hawaiian Kingdom Nationals and the general population.

Alfred de Zayas ­Professor at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations; previous Independent Expert on the promotion of an equitable and democratic international order

Hisashi Saito Iuventum – ECOSOC Non-Governmental Organization

The announcement by Japan to discharge Fukushima nuclear waste water in the Pacific Ocean on 13 April 2021 generates discussions and debates amongst a myriad scientific, legal, political, human rights and environmental groups that disagree with the decision to treated contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean. Several unanswered questions regarding international agreements, the impact on the quality and effect on health and the food from the ocean has Japanese as well as surrounding Pacific Ocean nations and communities asserting, they are not properly involved and did not participate or consent to such activity. Does this set a precedent for the Atlantic, Indian and other oceans where dumping treated toxic wastes become the norm? Can UN agencies assist in monitoring this activity? The Panel will present views on human rights, legal, environmentaland its impact from previous nuclear activity.

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