Le Club suisse de la presse – Geneva Press Club a pour mission d’accueillir et d’aider les journalistes de passage à Genève et de favoriser les échanges entre les milieux suisses et internationaux de l’économie, de la politique, de la culture et des sciences d’une part, et de la presse suisse et étrangère installée en suisse romande et en France voisine d’autre part.

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FILM: Sri Lanka’s Silenced Witnesses

Le 16 September, 2015
« La Pastorale » Route de Ferney 106, Genève (Bus 5 - Direction : Aéroport - Arrêt : Intercontinental)

FILM: Sri Lanka’s Silenced Witnesses

Trailer : SriLanka’s Silenced Witnesses from Together Against Genocide on Vimeo.



Jan Jananayagam
Founder, Together Against Genocide (TAG), UK

Yves Bowie
Society For Threatened Peoples (STP), Switzerland

Witnesses from the Sri Lanka War Zone

Emanuel Stoakes
Producer of the film. Produced investigative work for The Daily Telegraph, the Guardian, Al Jazeera, VICE among others

Investigative journalist Emanuel Stoakes interviews key witnesses who gave evidence in 2014 to the ongoing UN investigation on Sri Lanka (OISL). The OISL report will be presented to the UN Human Rights Council on 30th September 2015. Witnesses from across the world explain what they saw in 2009 and why they cannot speak out in Sri Lanka on the mass atrocities that took place.

NGOs Society For Threatened People (STP) and Together Against Genocide (TAG) will release their written submissions and full report to HRC 30 on the persecution of witnesses in Sri Lanka.

The projection will be followed by discussion on the protection of witnesses to mass atrocities in the context of another upcoming UN resolution on accountability in Sri Lanka and the implications for the choice of prosecution mechanisms.

See trailer: https://vimeo.com/138026018

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