“Bold and Transformative Leadership – Placing Young Women and Girls at the Centre”

“Bold and Transformative Leadership – Placing Young Women and Girls at the Centre”
Moderator, World YWCA General Secretary
Malayah HARPER
Chief, Gender Equality and Diversity Division, UNAIDS
Chief, Media & Public Information, ITU
Titta MAJA
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Women in Church and Society of the Department for Mission and Development at the Lutheran World Federation (LWF)
Veronica BIRGA
Chief, Women’s Human Rights and Gender Section, OHCHR
The theme of World YWCA Day 2015 is “Celebrating our Work and Envisioning 2035“. April 24 is a special day in the World YWCA movement and to celebrate the World YWCA is pleased to invite you to a tray lunch panel discussion. Over the last quadrennium the YWCA movement has been engaged in a series of envisioning activities. We have been defining our future together and reaffirming our YWCA values.