Le Club suisse de la presse – Geneva Press Club a pour mission d’accueillir et d’aider les journalistes de passage à Genève et de favoriser les échanges entre les milieux suisses et internationaux de l’économie, de la politique, de la culture et des sciences d’une part, et de la presse suisse et étrangère installée en suisse romande et en France voisine d’autre part.

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Advancing Drug Policy Reform: A new approach to decriminalization

Advancing Drug Policy Reform: A new approach to decriminalization

The past few years have seen considerable changes in drug policy on a global level. Countries such as Ghana, New Zealand, Jamaica, Canada and Mexico, as well as several US states, have adopted reforms that would have seemed difficult to imagine not too long ago. Public opinion is gradually shifting to support new approaches, and drug policy now finds itself at the forefront of the news, and in international and national policy debates. It touches upon issues of human rights, public health, security, and social integration.

The proposed event is a 90-minute informal, closed discussion between members of the Media, the Geneva Press Club and Commissioners of the Global Commission on Drug Policy.

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Mrs. Ruth Dreifuss

Former President of Switzerland and Minister of Home Affairs and Chair of the Global Commission

Mr. Michel Kazatchkine

Former Executive Director of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and member of the Global Commission

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