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Survivors of clergy sexual abuse and advocates demand the Holy See/ Vatican implement a universal zero-tolerance law

Survivors of clergy sexual abuse and advocates demand the Holy See/ Vatican implement a universal zero-tolerance law

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Survivors of clergy sexual abuse and advocates demand the Holy See/ Vatican implement a universal zero-tolerance law.

Despite the Vatican’s attempts to respond to clergy abuse and its cover up since the 2019 Pope’s Summit on Clergy Abuse,  clergy sexual abuse survivors and advocates will highlight the failure of the Pope’s initiatives and speak out about current issues from around the world .

Survivors will present recent cases regarding Church and sex trafficking in Columbia, the Interpol case in Venezuela, the nun abuse case in Mexico, the Most recent case in Bolivia and Argentina deaf survivors, and other international cases.

We will have meetings with the UN Human Rights Council, the UN Children Rights Committe and the UN Committe against Torture, requesting these international organizations  take action to compel the Holy See/ Vatican to fulfill its international obligations. ECA will also deliver cases to the ICC and other International organizations and NGOs based in The Hague, to detrimine pathways to hold the Vatican accountable under  international humanitarian law.

With the participation of:

  • Jacques Nuoffer  (Switzerland)
  • Sara Oviedo (UN situation)
  • Adalberto (Mexico, Legal issues)
  • Janet Aguti (Africa)
  • Matthias Katsch (Europe)
  • Peter Isely (USA)

Translation in english and spanish will be available
(In-Person and Online)

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