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UNRWA is holding a benefit concert in Geneva

Le 2 juin, 2015
« La Pastorale » Route de Ferney 106, Genève (Bus 5 - Direction : Aéroport - Arrêt : Intercontinental)

UNRWA is holding a benefit concert in Geneva


Mohammad Assaf
UNRWA Good Will Ambassador

Sami Mshaha
Spokesperson, UNRWA HQ Jerusalem

Raheek Ador
UNRWA Representative for Partnerships, Geneva

Being the largest agency for Palestinian refugees, and covering the needs of more than 5 million Palestinian refugees, UNRWA strives to cater for the social, educational, health and financial sustainability and development of refugees, through running projects in the refugee camps, in the four host countries: Jordan, Syria, Lebanon West Bank and Gaza.

For the first time in Switzerland, UNRWA is holding a benefit concert in Geneva, to raise funds for and awareness on the status of Palestine refugees in the Middle East. UNRWA Goodwill ambassador and Arab Idol, Mohammad Assaf, together with his band, will be holding the concert, singing Arabic and folkloric songs.

The concert will take place on Wednesday 3 June 2015, at 18h30pm at the Beau Rivage Hotel, attended by 250 people from the Arab community in Geneva, as well as the Swiss and international communities.

For more information please contact:
Raheek Ador
079 833 54 52



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