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The Status of Human Rights in the Arab World

Le 24 juin, 2015
« La Pastorale » Route de Ferney 106, Genève (Bus 5 - Direction : Aéroport - Arrêt : Intercontinental)

The Status of Human Rights in the Arab World



Dr. Curtis Doebbler
American and Palestinian human rights lawyer and the lawyer of Mr. Khierat al-Shatir

Mr. Carl Buckley
Director of Programming for the International Forum for Democracy and Human Rights

Mrs Samira Gazzaz
Belgian lawyer and member of the Brussels Bar specializes in human rights law

The International Coalition for Freedoms and Rights (ICFR) is a non-governmental, international legal and human rights organization based in London, UK. It is a legal organization that endeavors to bring to justice those who abuse human rights, and perpetrate crimes against humanity. ICFR operates by documenting cases of abuses; producing human rights reports and periodic bulletins; institutes legal proceedings at local and international courts against those who abuse human rights; supports all efforts and activities aimed at raising awareness of human rights abuses; and raise the level of awareness of human rights activists.

ICFR Report on the Status of Human Rights in the Arab World examines the situation in sixteen Arab countries in the Middle East and North Africa. It is unique in that ICFR has collected information via experienced human rights defenders in each of these countries and has attempted to increase awareness of human rights in the region.

This is the first annual report to be launched by ICFR. Research teams working independently in each of the sixteen countries have gathered all the details for the year 2014, all of which have been compiled to make this publication. This report has been endorsed by the prominent human rights lawyers.


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