The Status of Freedom of Religion in the World
The Status of Freedom of Religion in the World
H.E. Mgr. Silvano M. Tomasi
Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations in Geneva
Mr. Paul Bhatti
Former Federal Minister of National Harmony and Minorities Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The event is organized by Aide à l’Eglise en Détresse (Aid to the Church in Need), with the support of the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations in Geneva, Caritas Internationalis, and the Forum of Catholic-Inspired NGOs-Geneva.
The dialogue on this theme provides an important occasion to reflect on the fundamental basis of religious freedom – i.e., the dignity of the human person. The aim of this event is to inspire additional activities and actions oriented toward the promotion, protection, and fulfillment of the right to religious freedom for all.
In this occasion, Aide à l’Eglise en Détresse will present the 2013 Report on the status of freedom of religion in the world.
9.30-9.50: Welcome Drink
10.00-11.20: Panel Discussion: H.E. Mgr. Silvano M. Tomasi, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations in Geneva Presentation by Aide à l’Église en Détresse: Mr. Roberto Simona, Research Manager in Islam and Christian Minorities Main speaker: H.E. Mr. Paul Bhatti
11.20-11.50: Debate
11.50-12.00: Concluding Remarks