The situation in the Cizre (Turkey)
The situation in the Cizre (Turkey)
The Kurdish Center for Human Rights Genevais organizing a press conference on the massive violations of human rights ,war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the authorities in Turkey /Cizre between 14.decembre 2015 and 2. march 2016.
During 79 days of curfew there has same clashes between Kurdish youth and turkish army. Many civilians who wanted to leave the city were killed by turkish army snipers, number wounded people abandoned on the streets and some civilians were burned alive by turkish army bombed attacks. And turkish state left hundred of dead civilians. Some people have been arrested and tortured during this period.
Many human right organisations and political parties have reported Cizre but also some other cities that have experienced similar events.
Deputy of HDP from Cizre City(Turkey), witness of the war crimes
Professor Norman PAECH
Specialist in international law