Le Club suisse de la presse – Geneva Press Club a pour mission d’accueillir et d’aider les journalistes de passage à Genève et de favoriser les échanges entre les milieux suisses et internationaux de l’économie, de la politique, de la culture et des sciences d’une part, et de la presse suisse et étrangère installée en suisse romande et en France voisine d’autre part.

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Sudan’s current situation and ways to reach peace and democracy

Sudan’s current situation and ways to reach peace and democracy

Please register below to participate in this event (online and In person)

With the participation of:

Mr. Ezzatddean Ahmed
Researcher and author

Mr. Mohammad El Hassan
Human Rights advocat

Mr. Yousif Ezzat
Political advisor for RSF in Sudan

Dr. Mukhayer Ibrahim
Health expert

Mrs. Yusra salmen
Sudan International human rights organisation

The forthcoming conference will address the prevailing state of human rights in Sudan and advocate for the cessation of airstrikes. The event aims to present comprehensive data and information pertaining to this matter, in addition to engaging in discussions on the prospective trajectory of democracy in Sudan.

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