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State of Poverty, Criminalization and Violence in the USA

State of Poverty, Criminalization and Violence in the USA

Immediately following the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the United States:

State of Poverty, Criminalization and Violence in the USA


Organizers, advocates, and representatives of communities across the United States

On May 11, organizers, advocates, and representatives of communities across the United States will speak to the media in Geneva to share with the world the human rights abuses committed by the USA Government immediately following a review of its human rights record at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

Advocates and organizers will speak to the various human rights violations including the inability for individuals to access adequate housing, healthcare and education, and violations committed in the name of national security.

In addition, the brother of Rekia Boyd, Martinez Sutton will speak to the issue of police violence alongside Carlos Garcia who will speak to the criminalization of immigrant communities in the USA Government and at the border.



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