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Racial Discrimination in Brazil

Racial Discrimination in Brazil

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The panel will discuss the patterns of violence faced by black and indigenous peoples in Brazil and the setback that the country is experiencing in terms of human rights. Beyond the current militarized policies in Brazil, the discussion will look at the intersections of race, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity and race to reflect on the LGTBI, feminist and anti-racist struggles in Brazil. The public event will be held within the framework of the pre-session period of the Universal Periodic Review that will review Brazil in November 2022. The objective is to inform the international community of the situation experienced by the most vulnerable populations in the country in terms of their human rights.

The event will feature the participation of representatives from Geledés, Criola, Iepé, Conexão G Group and the Marielle Franco Institute, organizations with a long track record focused on strengthening human rights in brazil. Their work includes:

  • Documenting and making visible the inequalities experienced by black women.
  • Denouncing the vulnerabilities experienced by representatives of the LGTBIQ+ community.
  • Drawing attention to the vulnerabilities that the indigenous people experience as a result of the depredation of their territories.
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