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« Panel discussion : Women Leaders in Disaster and Climate Change Risk Management »

« Panel discussion : Women Leaders in Disaster and Climate Change Risk Management »

In celebration of our 10th anniversary year, Giving Women is putting on a series of special events, in addition to our educational programme and project evenings. To mark this important milestone, we are exploring a series of different issues where women and girls are disproportionately affected.

However, our aim is not to show them as victims, but rather as agents of positive change within their communities. We highlight the resourcefulness and innovation that women and girls constantly demonstrate in the face of adversity in an aim to amplify their voice so that together, our shared global community can benefit from their insight.

For our flagship event on May 16th, 2019, we are looking at disasters and climate change. Through story telling, we will reveal the unimaginable hurdles that women have managed to overcome in some of the most trying conditions in the world, demonstrating the universality of their innovations and relevance to the global conversations. At the event, we will launch an Annual Academy for grassroots women climate champions, where we will begin to give them the resources to engage more effectively and inform international climate diplomacy and broad scale communications to affect global policy for disaster risk reduction.

Our aim is to carve a pathway for their effective inclusion in the global diplomacy and policy arena by:

1. Showcasing women climate and disaster champions effectively overcoming local challenges

2. Sharing persuasive examples of where such innovations have effectively informed solutions

3. Launching an Annual Academy for Grassroots Champions on climate and disaster risk diplomacy, to be held in Geneva.

4. Offer a networking opportunity amongst individuals from different walks of life who can unite through their commitment to this issue

We are very lucky to have the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as our content partner for this event, who will provide speakers from all corners of the world. Our event also coincides with the 6th session of the Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction of the United Nations (Link).

Programme :

The event will take the form of a panel discussion accompanied by a film and/or photo journals. Tentative list of speakers:

• Radhika Murti – Director of Global Ecosystem Management Programme, IUCN (Moderator)- See her TEDx here

• Robyn-Ann Mani, Fijian – Second Secretary for Republic of Fiji Mission to the United Nations in Geneva – will share stories on women and poverty alleviation for disaster risk management from 2 Pacific island countries

• Clara Ariza, Colombian – Climate change adaptation planning expert – will share stories on women making a change in coffee growing and climate impacts from 2-3 countries in South America

• Anita Annies, Kenyan (TBC) – Economist, climate change adaptation advisor – will share stories on land access and agriculture for climate change adaptation from 2-3 countries in Africa

Giving Women members: FREE
Price for non-members: CHF 50

Please note that a cocktail dinatoire will be served. 

Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone who may be interested and bring a friend!

It is Giving Women policy that non-members are welcome to attend Giving Women Informal Lunch once as well as other events. If you would like to attend any additional events, we invite you to become a member.

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