Intergenerational dialogue « 100 years of international civil service »
Intergenerational dialogue « 100 years of international civil service »
This intergenerational dialogue focuses on the origins, main features and current political challenges of the International Civil Service (ICS). The dialogue will build-up on the recently published book Eric Drummond and His Legacies. The League of Nations and the Beginnings of Global Governance, by David Macfadyen, Michael D.V.Davies, Marylin Norah Carr and John Burley, Univ. of Southampton, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
- What is an international civil servant?
- Neutrality? Yes, but it does not mean being silent: the ICS can take a stand.
- Political appointees: the enemies of the ICS independence
- What sort of leadership of the secretary-general and the ICS: not a secretary, not a general, but anyway an impossible job.
- Endemic financial crises: a good way to curtail ICS role.
- What needs to be done to support and reinforce ICS role for a stronger multilateralism?
Concept note at:
Greycells – GIMUN – UNOG – Young UN – Club Suisse de la Presse – Parlement des Jeunes Genevois – Rotaract Geneva International – Université de Genève – Fair Internship Initiative
Free resitration at:
Provisional Program at:
Share your points of view at the following addresses; they will be very helpful to orient the session:
For the general public:
For current and former civil servants:
These anonymous short surveys are a contribution to the dialogue but are not required to register at the event. The results will be presented at the Dialogue and then posted on Feel free to share the surveys!