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First Gulf Cooperation Council – Switzerland Forum in Geneva

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First Gulf Cooperation Council – Switzerland Forum in Geneva


Mr. Abdulaziz Sager
Chairman Gulf Research Center

Mr. Christian Koch
Director Gulf Research Center Foundation

Mr. Florian Weisweiler
Business Development Manager GRCF

The signing of the Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states was a historic milestone in Gulf-Swiss relations. With the ratification of the processe on-going, the GCC-Swiss Forum will attempt to shed light on the complexity of the issue and evaluate the implications of the ratification for the future GCC- Swiss relations.

This first forum will take place at the Intercontinental Hotel on September 3-4 with high-level officials, businessmen and participants from Switzerland and all the member states of the GCC. All details on this important event will be given at the press conference.

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