Le Club suisse de la presse – Geneva Press Club a pour mission d’accueillir et d’aider les journalistes de passage à Genève et de favoriser les échanges entre les milieux suisses et internationaux de l’économie, de la politique, de la culture et des sciences d’une part, et de la presse suisse et étrangère installée en suisse romande et en France voisine d’autre part.

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« Every Breath Can Do Damage: The Urgency of Air Pollution Action »

« Every Breath Can Do Damage: The Urgency of Air Pollution Action »

Vital Strategies and NCD Alliance are pleased to invite you to a World Health Assembly side event to highlight the critical importance of tackling air pollution as part of the global NCD response.

Ninety percent of the global population breathes unhealthy air. The international health community must take quick action against air pollution as a leading risk factor for death and disease, and engage in active and strategic advocacy for clean air.

The event will focus on the urgent need to implement proven, cost-effective interventions to reduce air pollution. A guided discussion will look at the impact of air pollution on health, economies and development, while addressing how to promote evidence-based policies and make the investment case for reducing air pollution.

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Dr. Sophie Gumy

Team Lead on Ambient Air Pollution, WHO

Dr. Shri Lav Agarwal

Joint Secretary, International Health, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India

Dr. Kibachio Joseph Muiruri Mwangi

, Head, Division of Noncommunicable Diseases, Ministry of Health of Kenya

Mrs Nina Renshaw

Director of Policy and Advocacy, NCD Alliance

Mr. Daniel Kass

, Senior Vice President, Environmental Health, Vital Strategies

Mr. Douglas Webb

Team Lead, HIV Health and Development Practice, UNDP

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