Derniers développements de la Cour pénale internationle
Derniers développements de la Cour pénale internationle
Mme Tiina Intelmann
Présidente de l’Assemblée des Etats Parties au Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale.
Mme Tiina Intelmann préside l’Assemblée des Etats Parties depuis plus de dix ans.
De passage à Genève, elle viendra parler des derniers développements relatifs au travail de l’Assemblée des Etats parties, en particulier des derniers meetings à New York, Washington DC, Addis Abeba et Londres.
Elle parlera également de l’universalité du Statut de Rome et de la coopération avec l’ICC.
H.E. Ms. Tiina Intelmann
Ambassador-at-large for the International Criminal Court
President of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute
Role as President of the Assembly of States Parties
As President of the Assembly, Ambassador Tiina Intelmann presided over the tenth and the eleventh sessions of the Assembly of States Parties in 2011 and 2012 and will preside over the twelfth session in 2013. In the intersessional periods, she presides over meetings of the Bureau of the Assembly of States Parties, which meets in New York on a roughly monthly basis.
In addition to these formal duties, Ambassador Intelmann liaises with States Parties, Court officials, officials of international organizations and representatives of civil society to advance the work of the Court and of the Assembly. While based in New York, she takes advantage of her position as Ambassador-at-large to frequently consult with Court officials and States Parties at the seat of the Court in The Hague. Ambassador Intelmann has chosen to focus her work on the practical implementation of the concept of complementarity and on ensuring effective cooperation with the Court.
Ambassador Intelmann is Ambassador-at-Large for the International Criminal Court. On 21 December 2011, she was elected as President of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute at the tenth session of the Assembly. She comes to the Presidency with a long history of involvement in negotiations related to the International Criminal Court, having previously participated in the Rome Conference and the Review Conference in Kampala, Uganda. She will continue to preside over the Assembly until the beginning of the thirteenth session in 2014.
Ambassador Intelmann has a broad professional experience in international matters and relations and has previously served as the Permanent Representative of Estonia to the United Nations as well as to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and as Ambassador to the State of Israel. She has also served as Undersecretary for Political Affairs and Relations with the Press in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia. Ambassador Intelmann has been working on issues related to the United Nations for over ten years, most recently successfully co-facilitating the negotiations on the system-wide coherence reform establishing UN Women. She has previously also led negotiations on humanitarian affairs at the UN. Ambassador Intelmann holds a Master of Arts in Italian language and literature from Leningrad State University in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
Ambassador Intelmann in social media
Twitter: @TIntelmann
In this opportunity, Amb. Intelmann will give an update on the latest developments related to the work of the Assembly of States Parties, in particular related to her latest meetings in New York, Washington DC, Addis Ababa and London. She will also inform about universality of the Rome Statute and cooperation with the ICC.