Challenges of the United Nations in achieving peace and development in the Middle East and North Africa

Challenges of the United Nations in achieving peace and development in the Middle East and North Africa
In the aftermath of the so-called Arab Spring, many countries in the Middle East and North Africa have been living in a state of misery, despair, and denial of their human rights for nearly 13 years.
In Libya, Syria, and Yemen, civilians have lost peace, stability, and the freedoms assigned to them by international legislation. Despite many years of international action aimed at ending the suffering of civilians and achieving security, peace, and development for them, no real progress has been made in these countries. The human rights situation in these countries has not improved despite more than 10 years of direct work with all the actors involved.
The purpose of this symposium is to discuss why the United Nations and its international agencies have not succeeded in achieving their goals in Libya, Syria, and Yemen. We aim to explore why their agencies for achieving international peace and security have not accomplished their tasks in those countries, why their agencies for human rights, justice, and development have not protected human rights and achieved development and justice, what prevented this, who is responsible for this failure, and what is required to achieve the aspirations of the peoples of those countries and their right to live in security, safety, and development.
The main axes of this symposium are as follows:
- The situation in Libya, including a review of the reasons that led to the destabilization of security and national peace, the deterioration of the human rights situation, the deprivation of rights and freedoms, and the continuation of the armed conflict. We will also discuss the United Nations’ efforts to achieve security and peace in Libya, the reasons for their failure in their efforts and tasks related to achieving security, peace, and protection of human rights in Libya, and what is currently required to achieve this.
- The situation in Syria, including a review of the reasons that led to the destabilization of security and national peace, the deterioration of the human rights situation, the deprivation of rights and freedoms, and the continuation of the armed conflict. We will also discuss the United Nations’ efforts to achieve security and peace in Syria, the reasons for their failure in their efforts and tasks related to achieving security, peace, and protection of human rights in Syria, and what is currently required to achieve this.
- The situation in Yemen, including a review of the reasons that led to the destabilization of security and national peace, the deterioration of the human rights situation, the deprivation of rights and freedoms, and the continuation of the armed conflict. We will also discuss the United Nations’ efforts to achieve security and peace in Yemen, the reasons for their failure in their efforts and tasks related to achieving security, peace, and protection of human rights in Yemen, and what is currently required to achieve this.
Mr. Mohamed Al Hammadi
President of Jusoor international for media and development, international expert on Middle East affairs
Mrs Aye Kari Soe
Prominent Human Rights advocate and European-accredited lobbyist, founder of Fembitious
Prof Dr h.c. Mehmet Sükrü Güzel
Founder and President of the Centre for Peace and Reconciliation Studies
Mr. Thierry Valle
Pioneer advocate for Human Rights, Participated in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)