Ancient Sudanese Civilization heritage
Ancient Sudanese Civilization heritage
The beginning of the Sudanese-Swiss cultural relations began in the mid-sixties of the last century, through a Swiss mission led by Professor Charles Bonnet having as a goal to undertake archaeological excavations in Sudan. This research led to the discovery of the largest and oldest civilization of sub-Saharan Africa: the Kingdom of Kush (the ancient civilization of Kerma) founded around 2700 B.C. and extended for about 1000 km along the Nile. From roughly 760 B.C. to 660 B.C. the Black Pharaohs of Kush’s kingdom took possession of the whole Nubia and of important parts of Egypt and according to Professor Charles Bonnet, they also defended Egypt against the attacks of the Assyrians. In the vanguard of those Black Pharaohs who ruled Nubia and Egypt: Taharqa and Tanoutamon.
Professeur Charles BONNET
Archéologue de renommée mondiale, co-directeur de la mission archéologique conjointe suisse et soudano-française de Kerma
Dr. Abdel-Rahman ALI
Directeur de l'Autorité générale des antiquités et des musées, Soudan
Ambassadeur et Représentant permanent du Soudan auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies et des autres organisations internationales à Genève