An Experts’ Guide to International Protocol

An Experts’ Guide to International Protocol
Although modern life grows increasingly casual, in many sectors, protocol still reigns supreme. An Experts’ Guide to International Protocol offers an overview of its associated practices, including those found within the context of diplomatic relations and the business world. Focusing on a wide range of countries and cultures, the book covers topics like seating arrangements, the use of flags, ceremonies, invitations and dress codes, gifts and honours, and the roles of the protocol officer, guest and host. Throughout, influential diplomatic, business and cultural figures share their own experiences with protocols around the world.
« An Expert’s Guide to International Protocol is a must for every Protocol Officer’s bookshelf. The authors discuss everything from precedence to proper attire for men and women. Each chapter ends with a delightful essay or interview from a variety of experts sharing their experience within the world of protocol. The fascinating insights provide a real sense of the far reaches protocol has within many industries and organizations throughout the world. »
Protocol & Diplomacy International – Protocol Officers Association / PDI-POA
[…] « I think that the authors’ intent for this book has great value and extends far beyond national borders. There are so many emerging nations that may still be searching for suitable forms of protocol like those so clearly expressed in this book. I therefore heartily recommend this volume to everyone working in an international corporate or diplomatic environment and any country looking for the best way to apply international protocol. »
Professor Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, former Secretary-General of NATO
ISBN 9789462981058
Published by Amsterdam University Press
Regular price CHF 61 / Price at book presentation CHF 48
Mr. Gilbert Monod de Froideville
Former Master of Ceremonies of Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
Mr. Mark Verheul
Head of Protocol of The Hague, the International City of Peace and Justice