A General Recommendation to better protect Indigenous women and girls is a human right
A General Recommendation to better protect Indigenous women and girls is a human right
Alicia A.G. Limtiaco
Delegate from Guam, Indigenous leader of the CHamoru
Ragnhild Marit Sara
Delegate from Norway, Indigenous leader and lawyer of the Sami
Luzbeidy Monterrosa Atencio
Delegate from Colombia, young Indigenous leader of the Eirüku Siijono People
Kamala Thapa
Delegate from Nepal, Indigenous activist from the Magar People
Esupat Ngulupa Laizer
Delegate from Tanzania, Indigenous leader from Masai People
An international delegation of 30 Indigenous women and girls is coming to Geneva to advocate for a General Recommendation to the CEDAW, to stress the importance of upholding the rights of the 238.4 million Indigenous women and girls living around the world.
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
The CEDAW is the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, which was adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly. If most UN countries have ratified it, there is a lot of room for improvement and a need for a General Recommendation on the rights of Indigenous women and girls, which is currently being finalized.
A General Recommendation for Indigenous Women
CEDAW is the only binding international instrument that specifically protects women’s rights, this is why it is crucial to have a General Recommendation that mentions particularly Indigenous women’s rights. The Recommendation reflects the fundamental role that Indigenous women play in the protection and care of the land, in agricultural production and recognizes the valuable knowledge in safeguarding and demanding urgent actions to preserve and protect Mother Earth. This will send a powerful message to all member States and stakeholders who often overlook the rights of Indigenous Peoples, especially those of the 238.4 million women and girls, who are present in about 90 countries, cover 5,000 different cultures and constitute approximately 5% of the world population. The General Recommendation is the result of the advocacy trajectory and achievements of the Indigenous women and girls movement worldwide, who have been on the frontline defending their individual and collective rights, demonstrating their capacities as agents of change, and raising their voices to make visible the structural challenges and discrimination faced at different levels.
Advocate in numbers
To make this General Recommendation visible, 30 women from all over the world are coming to Geneva and will convene a high-level dialogue with the 23 expert Members of the CEDAW Committee within the framework of the 82nd CEDAW session on June 27, 2022. This is organized and co-hosted by the Regional Networks of Indigenous Women, FIMI, MADRE, OHCHR (through the UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples) and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York City and Geneva Offices.