Embedded journalism – challenges of accuracy and impartiality, and its impact on the freedom of the press

Embedded journalism – challenges of accuracy and impartiality, and its impact on the freedom of the press
The Geneva press club, the Media Program of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) for Southeastern Europe, and the KAS office in Geneva are pleased to invite you for a lunch-talk with :

Michela Wrong, English journalist (Financial Times, The Economist), author amongst others of “Do not disturb: The Story of a Political Murder and African Regime gone bad” or “In The footsteps of Mr. Kurz: Living on the brink of disaster in Mobutu’s Congo”
Amra Abadžić, Sarajevo, worked for Reuters and others during the siege, author of “Sarajevo – The longest Siege”

Jan Jessen, Essen, war reporter of Funke-Mediengruppe with stints in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Ukraine
Aline Jaccottet, head of the international section (Le Temps), correspondent in Jerusalem (to be confirmed)

Christoph Plate, KAS Media SEE, Sofia
To participate, please register using the following links:
War and crisis reporting has dramatically changed in the course of the last two decades. Increasingly reporters are becoming targets of warring factions and the challenges of accurate reporting are growing. This has an effect on the way stories are reported and what kind of information or perspective is being shown to the audience. More and more reporters are “embedded” with the one or the other faction in a conflict, often unable to report from the other side. This has an effect on the portrayal of a conflict and its perception, and indirectly impacts the freedom of the press and an important civil right.
We are inviting you to a discussion with senior reporters from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom debating the challenges of crisis reporting and the ways how they explain a conflict to their audience. The discussion addresses journalists, diplomats, aid workers and the general public.
Event in English.