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COVID Economic Recovery Index: Which countries are most resilient in the face of COVID?

Le 9 September, 2020


COVID Economic Recovery Index: Which countries are most resilient in the face of COVID?

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Full report – Horizon COVID Recovery Index 2020

English – ECOVID Economic Recovery Index Press Release

Français – COVID Economic Recovery Index Communiqué de presse

COVID19 triggered the worst recession in decades with a lightening blow to industries and jobs. It also exacerbates countries’ structural vulnerabilities – economic and socio-political.
The COVID Economic Recovery Index assesses how 122 countries are positioned to weather the economic impact of the pandemic and recover from the crisis. It is the first global assessment of countries’ capacity to weather the COVID19 crisis and recover. It uses a unique data set of over 100 health, social and economic indicators combined in a sophisticated analytical framework.
The study reveals which countries will recover the fastest as well as countries at risk of a financial crisis due to the COVID pandemic. It also identifies countries most affected by job losses and social risks. The index is a tool to help governments, businesses and civil society navigate the recovery landscape, reduce uncertainty and prioritize action in the near future.
The launch press conference will feature a presentation of the findings of the report and a panel discussion on the medium term economic outlook and on what makes countries resilient.

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Margareta Drzeniek

Managing Partner, Horizon Group, Switzerland

Sheana Tambourgi

Senior adviser, Horizon Group, Switzerland

James Zhan

Director of the Investment and Enterprise Division, UNCTAD

Pierre Ruetschi

Director of the Geneva Press Club

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