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“Sustainable Development: Broken promises”

Le 5 December, 2013

“Sustainable Development: Broken promises”

Activists from Brazil, the DRC and the Philippines share experience, concerns and alternatives


Rodrigo Péret
Coordinator, Franciscan Action for Ecology and Solidarity AFES (Brazil)

Fridolin Ambongo Besungu
President, Episcopal Commission on Natural Resources of the Bishops’ Conference (DRC)

Jesus Vicente Garganera
National Coordinator, Alliance Against Mining (Philippines)

Jean Ziegler
Vice-chair, Advisory Committee of the UN Human Rights Council, Former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food

Yves Lador
Facilitator, Representative to the UN, Earth Justice

While sustainable development is generally seen as responsible and just, it is a concept that gives rise to much debate and is more complex than it may at first seem. It is often said that sustainable development should create the conditions necessary for the enjoyment of human rights by all. But what does this mean in reality?

Instead of economic growth, we should place strong emphasis on the human determinants of development. The first step towards a sustainable development that is genuinely just and equitable for all people consists in listening to the most disadvantaged communities and their representatives.

Alongside the 2nd UN Forum on Business and Human Rights (2-4 December, Geneva) and negotiations regarding future Sustainable development Goals (New York), activists from Brazil, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Philippines will share the concerns of the most vulnerable populations who bear the negative impact of so-called development projects in mining and agricultural sectors.

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