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“Indigenous Peoples: Towards the World Conference”

“Indigenous Peoples: Towards the World Conference”


Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit
General Secretary of the World Council of Churches

Amb. Luis Alfonso de Alba
Ambassador of Mexico in Vienna

Ms. Lola Garcia-Alix
Executive Director of the IWGIA, Copenhagen

John Henriksen
International representative of the Sami Parliament of Norway

David Matthey-Doret
Director DOCIP, Geneva

Ms. Penny Parker
Advocate for Human Rights

Suhas Chakma
Director of Asian Centre for Human Rights, New Dehl

Ngawang Drakmargyapon
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation

Jeffrey Bomay
Indigenous representative Papua

Adrien-Claude Zoller
President of Geneva for Human Rights

The UN will hold a “world conference” on indigenous peoples next September in New York.

Indigenous organizations are disappointed by the restrictive decisions recently adopted in New York. The state of affairs with the best experts.

Co-sponsored by Mexico, Guatemala and Norway.

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